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Friday, July 22, 2011

day 2 day.. !!~ (nk speaking sket...??)

closer exmination bt myself seemed 2 have no awareness of hw nt 2 take the test this year. I felt myself getting worse dy by dy ... I always thought 2 b, whether I will succeed in exms lter or vice versa ..? god .. help me .. pliz open my heart tht this darkness that hs bcome increasingly strong Satanic (setan) influence da nature of da extreme laziness. behavior I nw prefr 2 waste tme I do nt knw and did nt clear by the end of my lfe. I am free of love, I am free of everything. but why do I still feel like there was smething strange .. u must all seem strange how I mean. I do not know how 2 explain da reason I did nt knw with me .. only one that I expect. Guidance from God .. and thanxs to the prayers of friends, teachers and most precious prayers of the parents .. love u very much ...
nowadays I often skip class without any reasonable cause. whether I am a simple kind of deceived by evil demons ...?? god .. god ... I beg 2 go 2 my heart. Now I feel I am getting lazy to wrk .. This is on me whn I retrn at the hostel before .. no .. ! ~ I do not think God is cruel .. while da hadith quran says that God the Most Gracious, Most Merciful .. all dpends on my desire .. I might vry error .. before me at da hostel there are times whn I wake up 4 prayers wish .. tahajjud and there are also times when da school held qiamulai .. but since I moved .. I am getting the default but I remember a rule that must be .. but I hope the beginning of the month ramadhan 1/8/2011 .. breathe new life and new vitality for myself .. amin .. I hope God blesses a sincere prayer
uhuhhu... jdy gop wnor speaking..??? ayt tunggang tebalik siot.. enth pew ntah mksud dyer.. hnyer wnor jep yg pham kowp... korunk doakan wnor aey..?? cyunx korg... :: mizz u all damn ::

huhhu... gyut seah.... !!~

semekkom..... :)..?? epyy..?? korg niey an..?? i eppy un korg plex.. i sdey un korg mrah.. abz 2 korg nk soh wnor mcm ner gy..?? nk taw sbnder x..??
wnor niey an bnyk ctew tol an..?? x abz an ctew dyer ue.. asyik2 ctew...
yew la.. idup an ad yg bez.. ad yg x bez.. tp x semernyer x bez an..?? tuhan x kjam lar.. xkn dyer nk bgy umat dyer always in sad... bak kte org arab... "la tahzan".. ehehhe...
dax tesmal ingt x lgy ayt ue... "la tahzan eay".. vvaps cyunk korg taw.. wnor rindo0o00 sgt....
meh la nk ctew.. korg niey law yew un.. sbar la dluw.. sbr 2 an sproh dri iman ....
smlm an..?? wnor gyut an someone niey... (yeah !!~ iknow u muz said thing 2 proud) yew2.. mmg xder pew yg nk dbggekan... tp an ad sbnder niey klkor laa... pirst time taw wnor gyut an owg lky smpi trtdow... huuh...
mcm niey ctew dyer... dyer psang lgu "pesanan utk kekasih".. strting ak pnah dgr lgy niey.. tht song so bored... tp bler dgr.. bez laa plax... then.. wnor soh dyer ulang utk kly ke-2... last2 wnor trtdow dlam alunan melody lgu itu.. huuhhu.......
hah..?? korg tnyer spew dax lky yg wnor gyut ue..?? ermmm... korg niey bz bdy tol la... ner ley bgytaw.... mluu deh... horhor.... wnor bru jep knal dax lky ue.... lpaz blex kem kt smkpm ue bru knal...
nk taw ciri2 dyer lak..?? ololo... bnyk songeh tol la dyer niey...
ermm... (mcm ner nk jwab niey..) pirst time wnor knal dyer an..?? wnor anggp dyer niey.. sorg yg plyboyz... (sory...) dan sombong.... tp an bler knal2... xder la sombong sgt... tp law istilah stu lgy.. wnor xnk pertikaikan... walallahualam.... hnyer tuhan jep taw isi aty dyer... dyer baek... smax... (kembang laa 2 etgy..) bijax.... tp kuad mrajuk sdikit... (bkan ktuk eay... )hehehe.....
tp papewun... thnx sbb tmankan wnor smp lwat mlm... thnx alot... :)
law nk taw detail... laen ari wnor ctew lak eay.. :) heheeh...